1th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, People & Practices (AsianPLoP 2025, with particular focus on AI & Patterns) will take place on March 28-31, 2025, in Taichung, Taiwan. Prof. Washizaki serves its conference co-chair. Any pattern paper is welcome by Dec 31st!
12月20日午後 人間環境大学にてハイブリッド開催 愛媛県デジタル人材の育成・確保に向けた連携・協力シンポジウムにて鷲崎教授が『AI/IoTをベースにしたDX人材育成の産学連携育成 ~スマートエスイーを題材に ~』と題し基調講演予定。ほかに深澤先生 司会の産学官連携パネルなど。ぜひご参加ください。
鷲崎教授が顧問を務める株式会社SI&C オウンドドメディアにて対談記事(前編)掲載
鷲崎教授が顧問を務める株式会社SI&C オウンドメディアにて、小林氏との対談記事(前編)が掲載されました。ぜひご覧ください。
鷲崎教授がモバイルコンピューティング推進コンソーシアム MCPC 人材育成優良推進者表彰を受賞
Prof. Washizaki provided his opening remark at APSEC2024
Prof. Washizaki provided his opening remark at APSEC2024 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Chongqing. In light of AI integration and looking at the sessions/papers, APSEC now stands for “AI-Powered Software Engineering Conference” !
ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG20 held a successful interim meeting online
IEEE-CS SWEBOK team held the 3rd Webinar
IEEE-CS SWEBOK team held the 3rd Webinar to introduce chapters including Operations, Models and Methods, Quality Professional Practice, Mathematical Foundations, and Standards. All recorded videos and slides are available at https://jp.ieee.org/files/Flyer_SWEBOK%204th%20Edition%20Content%20and%20Usage-v2.pdf
Prof. Washizaki provided his keynote at ICMNWC 2024
Prof. Washizaki provided his keynote titled “Impact of IEEE Computer Society in Advancing Software Engineering and Emerging Technologies” 4th Int’l Conf. Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC), Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology and online https://icmnwc.com/index.php
Prof. Washizaki provided his guest lecture at FAST-NU
Three students joined the First International Workshop on Intertwining Research & Education on Software (WIRED2024). Haowei received Distuinguished Presentation Award.
Three students joined the First International Workshop on Intertwining Research & Education on Software (WIRED2024). Thank you for organizing such a great workshop! And, the student Haowei received Distuinguished Presentation Award. Congrats!